
一般將來時句子練習 一般將來時的練習題 30個一般將來時句子 現在進行時的句子 一般將來時的結構

1、你明天要干什么? What will you do tomorrow?

2、我將去買一本書。I'm going to buy a book.

3、她打算今天下午去看望王先生。She is going to see Mr. Wang this afternoon.

4、我將過去幫你。I'm going to help you.

5、如果我們違反規定,我們將受到懲罰。We shall be punished if we break the rule.

6、我將回答那個問題。The question will be answered by me.[ 漢語網 ]

7、Tom明晚3點到我家來了。 Tom will come to my home at 3PM.

8、九月份我將會返校。 I will come back to school in September.

9、王教授稍后將會給我們展示。Professor Wang will give us a presentation later.

10、今天下午我們打算開班會。We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon.

11、明天早上我要去買些東西。I am going to buy something tomorrow morning.


12、下次你將在哪里打籃球?Where will you play basketball next time?

13、Look at the black clouds. It's going to rain.看那些烏云,快要下雨了。

14、我明天要去上學。I will go yo school tomorrow.

15、你會明白這個問題的。You will understand the question.

16、這封信明天將寄出去。The letter will be sent tomorrow.

17、明天誰將要來這里? Who will come here tomorrow?

18、明天我要去北京。I will go to BeiJing tomorrow.

19、下周會發生什么? What will happen in the following week?

20、下個月我會看你的。 I will visit you next month.

21、他不會那樣做的。He won't do that.